Quicker Recovery from Stress

H2-Recovery-from-stressThose who practise the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed more rapid physiological recovery (measured by galvanic skin resistance) from the stress of a loud sound. A series of sounds was presented, and after fewer presentations the sound did not cause a stress response among TM practitioners.Ref.Psychosomatic Medicine 35: 341–349, 1973

Greater Physiological Stability

H1-Greater-Phys-Stabil-v1Those who practice the Transcendental Meditation Programme show more stability of the autonomic nervous system, as indicated by less frequent spontaneous skin resistance fluctuations (greater time between fluctuations).Ref.Psychosomatic Medicine 35: 341–349, 1973

Minskad grundångest hos intagna

R9-Dec-Trait-AnxietyIntagna på högsäkerhetsfängelser som lärde sig Transcendental Meditation visade minskad nivå av grundångest (trait-anxiety) jämfört med kontrollgruppen.Ref.Criminal Justice and Behavior 5: 3-20, 1978

Minskad ångest hos unga lagöverträdare

R7-Dec-Anxiety-Level-v1Ungdomar som förts till ungdomsdomstolen för något lagbrott visade signifikant minskad ångestnivå efter att de lärt sig Transcendental Meditation.Ref.Dissertation Abstracts International 34 (8): 4732a, 1974

Minskad ångest hos myndighetsanställda

B29-Decr-Anxiety-Govt-PersAnställda vid en högsäkerhetsmyndighet som lärt sig Transcendental Meditation visade minskad ångest i jämförelse med kontrollgruppen som deltagit i ett utbildningsprogram för stresshantering.Ref.Stress and Coping: An International Journal 10: 341-350, 1997

Varaktigt lägre ångest hos statligt anställda

B30-LT-Decr-Anxiety-GovPersStatligt anställda som lärt sig Transcendental Meditation mättes igen efter tre år och befanns ha varaktigt minskad ångest, jämfört med kontrollgruppen som hade deltagit i ett utbildningsprogram om stresshantering.Ref.Anxiety, Stress and Coping: An International Journal 10: 341–350,1997

Decreased Trait Anxiety in Executives and Workers

B12-Decr-Trait-Anxiety-ExecA study of executives and workers in the automotive industry found that after three months of regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation Programme, participants showed decreased job tension, in comparison to controls from the same work sites.Ref.Anxiety, Stress and Coping: An International Journal  6: 245–262, 1993

Improved Performance by ADHD Students on Executive Function Tasks

E42-ImprovPerformADHD-v1School students with a current diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who learned the Transcendental Meditation Technique showed improved performance on tasks requiring executive function after three months, as measured by increased expressive attention, increased accuracy, greater fluency of categorization, and increased flexibility in switching categories.Ref.Current Issues in Education 10(2), 2008. [Online]

Improved Teacher Behaviour Rating of Executive Function among ADHD Students

E41-TeacherRatingADHD-v1School students with a current diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who learned the Transcendental Meditation Technique were rated by teachers after three months as showing improvement on several measures of executive function, indicating greater cognitive capability and self-control.Ref.Current Issues in Education 10(2), 2008. [Online]

Decreased Stress, Anxiety, and ADHD Symptoms

E40-Stress-ADHD-SymptomsSchool students with a current diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who learned the Transcendental Meditation Technique displayed after three months reduced stress, anxiety, and ADHD symptoms, as rated both by teachers and by themselves. The p-value on the chart indicates improvement as determined by a multivariate test for the following subscales: anxious/depresses, withdrawn/depressed, affective problems, anxiety problems, attention problems, ADHD problems, and total problems; the bars on the chart indicate change on the total problems subscale.Ref.Current Issues in Education 10(2), 2008. [Online]

Students feel better.

E45-IncrWellBeingTMSPStudents that were taught the TM Sidhi programme showed an increase in well-being after a period of nine months. Well-being was measured as an affective component in a questionnaire evaluated by independent interviewers.Ref.Modern Science and Vedic Science 1: 471–487, 1987

Improved mental health among managers

B27-Impr-Mental-Health-Mgrs-v1Managers that were taught the Transcendental Meditation programme demonstrated significant growth on a standardised questionnaire on mental health during the three months of their study, as compared to control persons.Ref.Dissertation Abstracts International 57(6): 4068B, 1996

Faster response time

E14-Improv-Reaction-TimeUniversity students that practiced the Transcendental Meditation technique and the TM Sidhi programme showed a significant improvement in choice response time, in comparison to control students. (p<.0001)Ref.Personality and Individual Differences 12: 1105–1116, 1991

Field Independence

E10-Incr-Field-IndepenIndividuals randomly assigned to learn Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Programme displayed a significant increase after three months, in comparison to controls, on measures of field independence, indicating broader comprehension with increasing ability to focus.Ref.Perceptual and Motor Skills 39: 1031–1034, 1974

Decreased sleepiness among students

E38-Decreased-SleepinessUniversity students that were taught Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation technique reported significantly less sleepiness during the day after 10 weeks of TM practice, in comparison to students that were randomly assigned to a delayed start condition as control group. (p<.001) Students that were taught the Transcendental Meditation technique also showed stronger integration in brain functionality and got used to stressful stimuli faster than those in the control group.Ref.International Journal of Psychophysiology 71: 170–176, 2009

More appreciation for academic activities

E34-GreaterIntellOrientPersons that participated in an advanced, one-month course, which included the TM technique, developed a greater appreciation for reflective and academic activities in comparison to the norms.Ref.Western Psychologist 4: 104–111, 1974

Improved mathematical skills

E9-Faster-Solution-ArithmAfter only 40 days of practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique, students were able to solve mathematical problems faster in comparison to randomly assigned controls, who just sat with their eyes closed twice a day.Ref.Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Programme: Collected Papers, Volume 1: 385–392, 1977

Better memory among students at military academy

D4-Mem-of-Detail-CadetsCadets at a military academy that learned Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation technique showed an increased ability to report specific details of scenes shown to them earlier. (p<.00001)Ref.‘Project for introduction of a programme for prevention of stress—Transcendental Meditation’. Centre for Personnel Studies, Department of Teaching and Research, Ministry of the Army, Brazil

Increased Intelligence in Remedial Students

E7-Incr-Intell-Remedial-StThis study was conducted among Cambodian students taking a year of remedial study in preparation for college. Students who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed a significant increase in intelligence test scores in contrast to other students after three months. (p=.001)Ref.Higher Education Research and Development 15: 73–82, 1995

Ökad intelligens hos gymnasieelever

E4-Increased-IntelligenceSecondary school students who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed increased intelligence after 14 weeks, in contrast to control students. (p<.001)Ref.Dissertation Abstracts International  38(7): 3372B–3373B, 1978

Decrease in health care costs

H20-Decreased-Hlth-Care-ExpAn earlier Canadian pilot study among 677 people in Quebec that were taught the Transcendental Meditation technique showed that government health care expenditure decreased significantly, as compared to an increasing trend prior to learning the technique.Ref.American Journal of Health Promotion 10: 208–216, 1996

Less “pain in the chest”

H32-Reduct-Angina-v1The term ‘cardiac syndrome X’ is used for patients with pain in the chest (angina) and normal coronary angiogramman. Such patients often keep symptoms despite conventional anti angina medication and reassurance by their cardiologist. The pain in the chest that occurs among them often plays up during exercise but also frequently in rest; such symptoms can closely simulate unstable angina and give cause to renewed hospitalisation and new examinations. Through the twice a day practice of Transcendental Meditation for a period of three months, the occurrence of angina episodes significantly decreased, exercise tolerance increased and subjective quality of life among patients with this syndrome improved.Ref.American Journal of Cardiology 85: 653-655, 2000

Increased creativity in adults

E2-Increased-Creativity-v1Adults that were taught Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation technique showed increased creativity after five months in comparison to a control group, as measured by higher levels of picture originality (p=.0005). They also showed increased creativity as measured through increased levels of picture flexibility and verbal response (not charted).Ref.The Journal of Creative Behavior 13: 169–180, 1979

Drug Addictions: Transcendental Meditation compared to other methods

R5-Dec-Use-of-IllegalA meta-analysis of all relevant research studies found that those who had been using illegal drugs showed a substantial and long-lasting reduction in the use of such drugs after learning the Transcendental Meditation Programme. This reduction in drug use was significantly greater than the effect of standard prevention programmes for reducing drug use.Ref.Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 11: 13–87, 1994


R4-Dec-Alc-ConsumPatients seeking treatment for traumatic stress who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed a significant reduction in alcohol consumption in comparison to those receiving psychotherapy.Ref.Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212-215, 1985

Ökad rökfrihet hos industriarbetare genom Transcendental Meditation

På Sumitomo, ett företag inom den tunga industrin i Japan, gjorde det japanska Nationella Institutet för Industriell Hälsa en undersökning som visade att antalet personer som inte längre rökte ökade i den grupp av 427 anställda som hade lärt Transcendental Meditation-programmet. Detta i jämförelse med en kontrollgrupp av 308 anställda på samma arbetsplats. Syftet med studien var inte att få försökspersonerna att sluta röka, men den ökade rökfriheten noterades som en spontan bieffekt.

Minskad cigarett- och alkoholkonsumtion bland chefer och anställda

"B21En studie bland chefer och anställda inom fordonsindustrin i USA fann att efter tre månaders regelbunden utövning av Transcendental Meditation-programmet, hade de anställda lägre cigarett- och alkoholkonsumtion jämfört med kontrollgrupper på samma arbetsplats. Minskad cigarett- och alkoholkonsumtion var inte målet med studien, men det noterades som en bieffekt.

Referens: Anxiety, Stress and Coping: An International Journal 6: 245-262, 1993

An effective treatment for Atherosclerosis

H31-Reduct-AtherosclerosThis study found that those who learned Transcendental Meditation, indicated on the right bar, showed reduced thickening of the carotid artery. This finding was in contrast to continued thickening of this artery among a control group, shown on the left, who took a health education program on diet and exercise for alleviating cardiovascular problems.Ref.Stroke 31: 568–573, 2000

Reduction of the left ventricular mass

H42-ReductionLeftVentricularMass-v1An important predictor for death caused by heart problems is the left ventricular mass, the thickening of the muscle in the left ventricular of the heart. This thickening can be an anatomic response to hypertension or other cardiovascular problems. This study showed that adolescents with high normal blood pressure that were taught the Transcendental Meditation technique showed a reduction of the left ventricular mass, after 4 months, in comparison to those who were randomly assigned to a control group receiving health education.Ref.Annals of Behavioral Medicine 37(Supplement): S195 (Abstract), 2009

More exercise tolerance among heart patients

H16-Exercise-Tolerance-CoroHeart patients that were taught the Transcendental Meditation technique showed increased exercise tolerance in comparison to controls as measured by the increased maximum work burden (graphed here), increased physical exercise time and improvements in other cardiovascular measurements.Ref.The American Journal of Cardiology  77: 867–870, 1996

Increased functional capacity among heart patients

H41-Increased-Functional-Capacity-among-CHF-Patients-v1Patients recently admitted to the hospital with cognitive heart failures, and that were taught Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation technique, after 6 months showed better functional capacity, in comparison to those that were randomly assigned to control groups that received health information. Functional capacity was measured through a six-minute walking test, by measuring how far an individual was able to walk in the time allotted.Ref.Ethnicity & Disease 17: 72–77, 2007

Metaanalys: Sänkt systoliskt blodtryck

H39-Decreased-Systolic-BP-MetaDenna studie var en metaanalys av samtliga publicerade randomiserade, kontrollerade kliniska studier av effekterna av Transcendental Meditation på blodtryck, och består av nio studier med 711 patienter. Transcendental Meditation visade sig ha en statistiskt signifikant verkan att sänka det systoliska blodtrycket. De tre studier som var forskningsmässigt mest strikt utformade visade en något större effekt, vilket ytterligare indikerar att effekten har substans.Ref.American Journal of Hypertension 21: 310–316, 2008

Sänkt systoliskt blodtryck hos patienter med hjärtsjukdom

H35-Reduced-Blood-Pressure-CHDSänkt systoliskt blodtryck hos patienter med hjärtsjukdom

Denna randomiserade, kontrollerade, kliniska undersökning av personer med stabil hjärtsjukdom visade att 16 veckors utövning av Transcendental Meditation, till skillnad från att delta i ett program med hälsoundervisning, ledde till en betydande sänkning av det systoliska blodtrycket. Högt blodtryck är en av komponenterna i det “metabola syndromet” och hör ofta ihop med fetma, insulinresistens och hyperlipidemi. Detta syndrom är en riskfaktor för kardiovaskulär morbiditet och mortalitet.Ref.Archives of Internal Medicine 166: 1218–1224, 2006

Längre liv för äldre

H24-Longevity-elderly-follDenna uppföljningsstudie på en grupp äldre personer (medelålder 80,7 år) som randomiserats att lära sig Transcendental Meditation eller upp till tre olika kontrollgrupper (mindfulness, en annan meditationsteknik och ingen meditation) fann att de som lärde sig Transcendental Meditation levde signifikant längre än de i de andra tre grupperna.Ref.Circulation 93: 629 (Abstract), 1996

Friskare vartefter vi blir äldre

Biokemi för bibehållen ungdom 

Högre nivåer av plasma-dehydroepiandrosteronsulfat (DHEA-S) senare i livet är förknippat med bättre hälsa. Detta ämne minskar generellt i kroppen efter 25-årsåldern. De som utövade Transcendental Meditation visade sig ha högre nivåer av plasma-DHEA-S än kontrollgruppen. Detta diagram visar de genomsnittliga nivåerna för manliga TM-utövare över 50 års ålder; kvinnliga utövare visade liknande resultat.Ref.Journal of Behavioral Medicine 15: 327-341, 1992

Effektivare hjärnfunktion hos äldre

H21-More-Effective-info-pro-w_o-elderly_v2Äldre personer som utövar TM-tekniken visade snabbare hjärnrespons för visuella stimuli (kortare latens för P300-respons) jämfört med en kontrollgrupp i samma ålder. Detta slags hjärnrespons blir normalt långsammare med åldern, och denna upptäckt påvisar därför att åldrandet omvänds med regelbunden TM-utövning.Ref.Psykofysiologi 26: S29 (Abstract), 1989

Improved general health among managers and factory workers

H7-Improved-Health-Executi-v1Managers and other employees in two locations of a car business showed improved health after three months of regular practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation technique, as measured through self-reports of physical and mental health, as well as measurements of the seriousness and frequency of health complaints, as compared to control groups in the same work places.Ref.Anxiety, Stress and Coping: An International Journal  6: 245–262, 1993

Improved health among Japanese factory workers

H6-Decreased-Phys-Com-SuThis research, carried out by the Japanese National Institute of Industrial Health showed that 427 employees of Sumitomo Heavy Industries that were taught Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation technique had less physical complaints after five months of practice, as compared to control employees of the same company.Ref.Japanese Journal of Industrial Health 32: 656, 1990

Increased vitality among managers

B28-Incr-Vitality-ManagersManagers in a company for medical equipment that were taught Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation technique showed a significant increase in a standardised scale for physical vitality, in contrast to matched controls. Higher energy levels and less tiredness were measured.Ref.Dissertation Abstracts International 57(6): 4068B, 1996

Improved general health among university students

University students in Cambodia that started practicing Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation technique showed improved general health (composed of physical, mental and social factors) after three months, as compared to control groups of students from two other universities that were not taught the TM technique.Ref.Journal of Instructional Psychology  22: 308–319, 1995


H10-Broncial-Asthma-v1Asthmatic patients who were instructed in the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed significant improvement after three months, as indicated by physiological measurement of lower airway resistance, and by their own personal reports and those of their physicians.Ref.Clinical Research 21: 278 (Abstract), 1973

Increased efficiency in learning

E43-IncrEfficiencyLearningTMSPStudents who were taught the TM-Sidhi Programme showed increased efficiency in learning after one year, as measured by a computer task involving the learning of concepts. Greater efficiency in learning means that  participants were better able to use each attempt to learn a task in order to find additional information about the solution sought.Ref.International Journal of Neuroscience 15: 151–157, 1981

Efficient learning of new concepts

E26-Improved-Concept-LngUniversity students that were taught the TM Sidhi programme improved significantly on an index of the efficiency of the learning of a concept in comparison to a matched control group of students of the same university.Ref.International Journal of Neuroscience 15: 151–157, 1981

Increased Creativity in Secondary School Students

E3-Increased-CreativitySecondary school students who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed increased creativity after 14 weeks, in contrast to control students. (p <.001)Ref.Dissertation Abstracts International 38 (7): 3372B-3373B, 1978

Significant decrease of insomnia among PTSS patients

H8-Decreased-InsomniaA study of patients seeking treatment for post-traumatic stress problems found that those who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed significant reduction in insomnia after four months, in contrast to those randomly assigned to receive psychotherapy.Ref.Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212–215, 1985

Decreased Depression

H9-Decreased-DepressionPatients suffering from post-traumatic stress problems who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed significant reduction in depression after four months, in contrast to others who were randomly assigned to receive psychotherapy.Ref.Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212–215, 1985

Reduced insulin resistance (diabetes)

H36-Reduced-Insulin-Resist-CHDThis randomised controlled clinical trial among individuals with stable cardiac heart disease found that 16 weeks of practice of the Transcendental Meditation Programme led to a significant reduction in insulin resistance, in contrast to participation in a health education programme. Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body’s normal amounts of insulin are not enough to create an insulin response in muscle, fat, and liver cells, ultimately leading to higher levels of blood glucose. Insulin resistance is one of the components of the ‘metabolic syndrome’, often associated with obesity, high blood pressure, and hyperlipidemia—a risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality; insulin resistance may also contribute to type 2 diabetes.Ref.Archives of Internal Medicine 166: 1218–1224, 2006

Decreased Use of Prescribed Drugs

H13-Decreased-Presc.-DrugsA study among 263 American practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation technique showed significantly decreased use of prescribed drugs, (p<.001), including sedatives (p<.001), and painkillers (p<.01) in comparison to matched controls.Ref.The International Journal of the Addictions 12: 729–754, 1977

Reducing High Cholesterol

H14-cholesterolSubjects with high cholesterol practising Transcendental Meditation showed a significant reduction in cholesterol levels when compared to a control group. There were no changes in diet.Ref.Journal of Human Stress 5: 24-27, 1979

Sänkning av högt blodtryck

H15-High-Bld-PressureSänkning av högt blodtryck

Patienter med högt blodtryck som lärt sig Transcendental Meditation visade en signifikant minskning av systoliskt och diastoliskt blodtryck efter tre månader, till skillnad från dem som randomiserats till en styrteknik och från dem som fått undervisning om hur man kan sänka blodtrycket genom kost och motion.Ref.Hypertension 26: 820–827, 1995