Increased Strength of Self-Concept

E22-Incr-Strength-Self-ConcAfter one month of practice of the Transcendental Meditation Programme, individuals developed a more strongly defined sense of self-concept, in comparison to matched controls. They also reported that their ‘actual’ self was closer to their ‘ideal’ self.Ref.British Journal of Psychology 73: 57–68, 1982

More self confidence

E21-Incr-Self-Regard-Lrng-D-v1Secondary school students with learning disabilities who were instructed in the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed increased self-regard in contrast to control students participating in a guidance group.Ref.Dissertation Abstracts International 38(6): 3351A, 1977

Increased Self-Esteem in Secondary School Students

E20-Increased-Self-EsteemSecondary school students who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed increased self-esteem after 14 weeks, in contrast to control students.Ref.Dissertation Abstracts International  38(7): 3372B–3373B, 1978

Personal development in prison inmates

R18-Incr-Self-Devel-v1Maximum security prison inmates who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme displayed increased self-development (ego development) in comparison to controls.Ref.Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 36: 127–160, 2003

Increased Autonomy

E47-IncrAutonomyTMSPStudents who learned the TM-Sidhi Programme were found to increase over a nine-month period in autonomy. Autonomy, defined as reported self-sufficiency, self-reliance, freedom, independence, and mastery of situations, was measured as one dimension among several in an open-ended interview, rated by independent interviewers, designed to elicit expression of experiences that the subject values in life.Ref.Modern Science and Vedic Science 1: 471–487, 1987

Increased self-actualisation and personal development

University students who learned the TM-Sidhi Programme, in comparison to control students from another university, increased significantly on three measures of personal development and psychological health—increased creativity, increased autonomy, and increased intrinsic spirituality. The TM-Sidhi Programme participants also improved significantly on an overall measure of well-being and a measure of psychological integration in comparison to the control students.Ref. Modern Science and Vedic Science 1: 471–487, 1987

Minskade övergrepp bland intagna

Intagna på högsäkerhetsfängelser som lärde sig Transcendental Meditation visade färre tendenser till övergrepp jämfört med dem i kontrollgruppen.Ref.Criminal Justice and Behavior 5: 3–20, 1978

Förbättrade personliga relationer

Intagna på ett högsäkerhetsfängelse (för grova brottslingar) som lärde sig Transcendental Meditation visade en signifikant minskning i verbal fientlighet, jämfört med kontrollgruppen.Ref.Criminal Justice and Behavior 5: 3–20, 1978

Decreased Aggression in Prison Inmates

R14-Dec-Agress-Prison-v1Maximum security prison inmates who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme were found to have decreased aggression in comparison to controls.Ref.Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 36: 127–160, 2003

Förbättrat socialt beteende bland unga lagöverträdare

Ungdomar som förts till ungdomsdomstol för lagöverträdelse visade en signifikant förbättring av socialt uppförande, efter att ha lärt sig TM, enligt föräldrarnas bedömning.Ref.Dissertation Abstracts International 34(8): 4732A, 1974

Ökad tolerans bland gymnasieelever

Gymnasieelever som lärt sig Transcendental Meditation visade ökad tolerans efter 14 veckor, till skillnad från elever i kontrollgruppen.Ref.Dissertation Abstracts International  38(7): 3372B–3373B, 1978

Förbättrade relationer med medarbetare

B10-Impro-RelationsCo-WorkAnställda som lärde sig Transcendental Meditation fick förbättrade relationer med sina medarbetare, jämfört med dem i kontrollgruppen.Ref.Academy of Management Journal 17: 362-368, 1974

Förbättrade relationer med arbetsledare

B9-Impr-Relation-SupervEn studie med 42 anställda som lärde sig Transcendental Meditation visade att de förbättrade sina relationer med arbetsledarna, jämfört med dem i kontrollgruppen.Ref.Academy of Management Journal 17: 362-368, 1974

Förbättrade relationer på arbetet och privat

I en studie bland ledning och anställda inom bilindustrin blev slutsatsen att efter tre månader med regelbunden utövning av Transcendental Meditation hade de anställda bättre relationer inom arbetet och privat, jämfört med dem i kontrollgrupperna på samma arbetsplatser.Ref.Anxiety, Stress and Coping: An International Journal 6: 245–262, 1993

Ökad tillfredsställelse i yrkeslivet och privatlivet

En studie bland chefer och anställda inom fordonsindustrin fann att anställda, efter tre månaders regelbunden utövning av Transcendental Meditation, var mer tillfredsställda i sina liv, privat och yrkesmässigt, jämfört med dem i kontrollgruppen på samma arbetsplats.Ref.Anxiety, Stress and Coping: An International Journal  6: 245–262, 1993

Increased job satisfaction among managers and employees

B5-Incr-Job-Sat-Exec_WorkA study among managers and employees in the automotive industry found that participants after three months of regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation programme had more satisfaction in their professional life, in comparison to a control group in the same work place.Ref.Anxiety, Stress and Coping: An International Journal  6: 245–262, 1993

More satisfaction at work

B4-Increased-Job-SatisA study among 40 employees that were taught Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation programme, showed greater job satisfaction in comparison to controls.Ref.Academy of Management Journal 17: 362-368, 1974

Förbättrade ledaregenskaper bland anställda

B33-Incr-Leadership-BhvrAnställda i ett företag inom livsmedelsindustrin som fick lära sig Transcendental Meditation hade efter fyra månader en signifikant ökning på en skala för ledarskap, jämfört med en kontrollgrupp av anställda som inte deltog i programmet.Ref.Career Development International 4: 149–154, 1999

Increased contribution to the organisation

B23-Incr-Contrib-Organiz-v1A three-month prospective study among managers in a company for medical equipment found that those who were taught Transcendental Meditation, in comparison to control persons, showed an increase in ‘contributing to the organisation’, which was a combined index of observational information on higher productivity, better leadership behaviour, better work relationships, increased vitality, improved mental health, improved work sufficiency, and decreased anger.Ref.Dissertation Abstracts International 57(6): 4068B, 1996

Reduced desire to change jobs

B7-Decr-Desire-to-Chg-Jobs-v1In a study among 42 employees that were taught the Transcendental Meditation technique, it turned out that there was less of a desire to change jobs than compared to a control group.Ref.Academy of Management Journal 17: 362-368, 1974

Increased employee effectiveness

B2-Incr-Employee-EffectiveA study among supervisors and employees in the car industry found that, after three months of regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation Programme, they showed increased effectiveness in comparison to control persons from the same work place.Ref.Anxiety, Stress and Coping: An International Journal  6: 245–262, 1993

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D22-Israel-QOL-with-controls-v1This paper reported a follow-up analysis of time series analysis findings previously published in the Journal of Conflict Resolution (1988). The study indicated that during periods in August and September 1983, a significantly large group of TM Sidhi experts in Yogic Flying in Israel produced a significant improvement on multiple indicators of quality of life in Israel, and reduced conflict in Lebanon. The present paper is a response to questions about possible alternative hypotheses in the form of other cultural, military, and political events in Israel and Lebanon during this period. An extensive reanalysis of the original data using time series analysis procedures found that the group practice of the TM and TM Sidhi program continued to be statistically significant in its positive effect on overall quality of life, controlling for all the other hypothesized events. This Maharishi Effect had a stronger influence on the quality of life index than any of the other events (religious holidays, pullout of the Israeli army from Lebanon, weekends, the vacation month of August, hot days (days over the median of maximum daily temperature) and the period following Prime Minister Begin’s resignation).Ref.Journal of Scientific Exploration 23: 193–166, 2009

Improved job performance

B1-Improved-Job-PerformanceIn a study of 42 employees that were taught Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Programme, the employees showed improved job performance as compared to control persons.Ref.Academy of Management Journal 17: 362–368, 1974

Healthier behaviour among managers

B24-Incr-HealthPromotBhvr-v1In a company that produces medical equipment, managers that had learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme after three months showed healthier behaviour, as measured by more regular exercise, food and sleeping habits, a reduction in alcohol usage, in comparison to a control group from the same company.Ref.Dissertation Abstracts International 57(6): 4068B, 1996

PTSD cured

R2-Dec-Stress-Disorder-v1(Kommer inom kort på svenska)

Decreased Stress Disorder in Traumatic Stress Patients

Patients seeking treatment for traumatic stress who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed a significant reduction in symptoms of stress disorder in comparison to those receiving psychotherapy.Ref.Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212-215, 1985

Minskad ångest

E18-Decreased-Anxiety-v1En statistisk metaanalys av 146 oberoende forskningsresultat fann att Transcendental Meditation är betydligt mer effektivt för att minska grundångest (trait-anxiety) än tekniker som bygger på koncentration, kontemplation, eller annat.Ref.Journal of Clinical Psychology 45: 957-974, 1989

Att sluta röka: Transcendental Meditation jämfört med andra metoder

Minskad cigarettkonsumtion

En sammanställning av alla studier på Transcendental Meditation-programmet med avseende på cigarettkonsumtion, jämfördes med sammanställningar av studier på vanligt förekommande behandlingar och förebyggande program för rökning. Detta visade en signifikant minskning av cigarettkonsumtionen hos dem som utövar Transcendental Meditation-programmet, även om programmet i sig inte innefattar några råd om att förändra livsstil eller vanor.

Referens: Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 11: 13-87, 1994.

Alcoholism: Transcendental Meditation compared to other methods

H12-Decreased-AlcoholA meta-analysis of major research studies on the standard alcohol treatment and prevention programmes found a significantly greater reduction of alcohol use among those who learn the Transcendental Meditation Programme, even though this programme does not involve any guidance about change in lifestyle or habits.Ref.Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 11: 13–87, 1994

Reduced illness and medical expenditure

H19-Decreased-Illness-&-MedA study on the use of medical services and expenditures showed that those who participated in Maharishi’s vedic health programmes, which includes the practice of the Transcendental Meditation programme, had 70% less hospitalisations (p<.001) and 60% less overall medical expenditure (p<.001) as compared to the norm.Ref.The American Journal of Managed Care  3: 135–144, 1997

Reduce chances of heart attack, stroke, or death

H43-Mortality-Heart-Attack-Stroke-v1This randomised, controlled study on patients with documented cardiovascular diseases found that those randomly assigned to learn the Transcendental Meditation technique, had a reduction of 43% of the risk of death, hemorrhage or stroke in the follow up period of 5 to 9 years, in comparison to the control group that took part in the programme for health care education. Later analysis showed that participants that had most regularly practiced TM actually had a 61% reduction in the risk of death, heart attack or stroke in comparison to the controls.Ref.Circulation 120: S461 (Abstract), 2009

Sänkt blodtryck för hypertensiva

H37-BP-Meta-AnalysisDenna meta-analys återfann i publicerad litteratur 107 studier avseende minskning av stress och blodtryck. 17 av dessa studier, innehållande 23 jämförelser av behandlingar på 960 patienter, uppfyllde standardkriterierna för väl utformade, randomiserade, kontrollerade undersökningar, samt innehöll multipla studier för varje kategori av behandling för hypertoniker. Bland dessa studier visade sig endast Transcendental Meditation ha en statistiskt signifikant verkan att sänka högt blodtryck hos hypertensiva patienter. (p = 0,0002).Ref.Current Hypertension Reports 9: 520–528, 2007. För fullständig artikel klicka här

Systematic decrease in medical expenses

H33-Decreased-Medical-Exp-v1This study looked at the annual percentage change in inflation-corrected government expenses for medical services among 1418 TM practitioners in Quebec, Canada, over a period of 14 years. These were compared to 1418 controls randomly chosen from individuals in the same age, sex and region. Prior to learning the Transcendental Meditation technique, there was no significant difference in the annual change between the two groups, with a slightly higher increase among the group that would later be taught the technique. After learning the Transcendental Meditation technique, the TM group showed an average annual decrease of 13.8 percent as compared to the controls (p=.0017). After five years their expenses were 50% lower.Ref.American Journal of Health Promotion 14: 284–291, 2000

PTSD cured among war veterans

D9-Dec-Emot-NumbWar veterans suffering from traumatic stress who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed a significant decrease in emotional numbness, in comparison to no significant change among those receiving psychotherapy.Ref.Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212-215, 1985


R4-Dec-Alc-ConsumPatients seeking treatment for traumatic stress who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed a significant reduction in alcohol consumption in comparison to those receiving psychotherapy.Ref.Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212-215, 1985

PTSD – Posttraumatiskt stressyndrom

Minskade familjeproblem hos patienter med posttraumatiskt stressyndrom

Patienter som sökt behandling för posttraumatisk stress och som lärt sig Transcendental Meditation visade en signifikant minskning av familjeproblem jämfört med dem som fick psykoterapi.Ref.Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212-215, 1985


R1-Decr-Anxiet-TramaPatients seeking treatment for traumatic stress who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed significantly decreased anxiety in comparison to those receiving psychotherapy.Ref.Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212-215, 1985

Long-Term Decrease of Depression in Government Personnel

B32-LT-Decr-Depress-GovPersLong-term measurement of government employees who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme found that after three years they continued to show significant reduction in depression, in contrast to control employees who had participated in an educational stress-management programme.Ref.Anxiety, Stress and Coping: An International Journal 10: 341–350, 1997

Decrease in depression among employees in high-security government project

B31-Decr-Depress-Govt-PersHighly stressed employees of a high-security government agency displayed decreased depression after learning the Transcendental Meditation Programme, in comparison to control employees who participated in a stress-management education programme.Ref.Anxiety, Stress and Coping: An International Journal 10: 341–350, 1997

Decreased Impulsiveness in Industrial Workers

B20-Decr-Impulsiveness-IndA study at Sumitomo Heavy Industries by the Japanese National Institute of Industrial Health found a decrease in impulsiveness among a group of 427 employees that were taught the Transcendental Meditation Programme, as compared to a group of 308 control persons.Ref.Japanese Journal of Industrial Health 32: 656, 1990

Minskad känslomässig obalans hos industriarbetare

B19 Minskad känslomässig obalans hos industriarbetare, genom Transcendental MeditationPå Sumitomo, ett företag inom den tunga industrin i Japan, gjorde det japanska Nationella Institutet för Industriell Hälsa en undersökning som visade att känslomässig obalans minskade i en grupp på 427 anställda som hade fått lära sig Transcendental Meditation-tekniken, detta jämfört med en kontrollgrupp på 308 anställda på samma arbetsplats.

Referens: Japanese Journal of Industrial Health 32: 656, 1990

Improved Night Sleep in Industrial Workers

B17-Improved-sleep-ind-wkrsA study carried out at Sumitomo Heavy Industries by the Japanese National Institute of Industrial Health found that the 427 employees that were taught the Transcendental Meditation Programme were able to fall asleep easier at night than those in the control group of 308 employees at the same work place.Ref.Japanese Journal of Public Health 37 (10 Suppl.): 729, 1990

Improved Sleep Quality in Executives and Workers

B16-Impr-Sleep-Qual-Exec_WA study among managers and employees in the car industry showed that after three months of regular practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation technique, quality of sleep significantly improved (p<.0025) in comparison to controls of the same work place. The effect was the greatest among regular practitioners.Ref.Anxiety, Stress and Coping: An International Journal  6: 245–262, 1993


R10-Decr-Neurotic-Prison-v1Maximum security prison inmates who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed decreased neuroticism in comparison to controls.Ref.Criminal Justice and Behavior 5: 3–20, 1978

Less negative thoughts

R11-Decr-Negativ-PrisonMaximum security prison inmates who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme were found to have decreased negativism in comparison to controls.Ref.Criminal Justice and Behavior 5: 3–20, 1978

Förbättrat minne hos universitetsstudenter

E8-Improved-MemoryUniversity students that were taught Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation technique showed improved clustering in short-term memory after a mere 40 days of practicing the technique, which indicated an increased organisation of the thought process, as compared to randomly assigned control groups, that were instructed to sit with their eyes closed twice a day. (p<.001)Ref.Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Programme: Collected Papers, Volume 1: 385–392, 1977

More positivity

E49-IncreasedPositivityCogThe practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique was found to foster increased positivity of cognitive style, as measured by a selective recognition task. A cross-sectional study found higher positivity among participants in the Transcendental Meditation Programme than in controls who were waiting to start the practice. A second longitudinal study found an increase in positivity among those who learned the practice after 14 weeks.Ref.Y. Sakairi. What does meditation change? Measurement of cognitive styles. In The embodiment of mind: Eastern and western perspectives. Delft: Eburon Publishers, 1998, pp. 57–66

Decreased Stress Response

E39-Decreased-Stress-ResponseUniversity students who learned the Transcendental Meditation Technique displayed decreased stress response after 10 week of practice, in contrast to greater stress response among students randomly assigned to a delayed-start condition. Reduced stress response was measured as quicker physiological habituation to the stressful stimulus of a loud noise. Students learning the Transcendental Meditation Technique also showed increased integration of brain functioning and decreased sleepiness in comparison to controls.Ref.International Journal of Psychophysiology 71: 170–176, 2009

Decreased Stress among Managers

B25-Decr-Stress-ManagersA three-month prospective study of managers at a medical equipment company found that those who learned Transcendental Meditation, compared with matched controls, showed a significant reduction on a standardized measure of perceived stress measuring the degree to which situations in one’s life are perceived as overloading, uncontrollable or unpredictable.Ref.Dissertation Abstracts International 57(6): 4068B, 1996

Decreased Stress During Task Performance

B15-Dec-Stress-During-TaskA study of executives and workers in the automotive industry found that after three months of regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation Programme, participants showed decreased physiological stress (reduced skin conductance) during performance of a task, in comparison to controls from the same work sites.Ref.Anxiety, Stress and Coping: An International Journal  6: 245–262, 1993

Calmer Style of Physiological Functioning: Less Stress in Daily Activity

H3-Calmer-Style-of-PhysiA meta-analysis found that those who practise Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Programme, in contrast to controls, show outside of meditation a calmer style of physiological functioning, as indicated by lower levels of respiration rate, heart rate, spontaneous skin resistance responses, and plasma lactate.Ref.American Psychologist 42: 879–881, 1987