Better Results in Education

Increased Integration

Students who learned the TM-Sidhi Programme were found to increase over a nine-month period in integration. Integration, which was defined as the degree of integration of the person’s system of valuations—that is, how much the person’s valuations were centered around one fundamental valuation or philosophy of life—was measured as one dimension among several in an open-ended interview, rated by independent interviewers, designed to elicit expression of experiences that the subject values in life.

Reference: Modern Science and Vedic Science 1: 471–487, 1987.

Mindre problem med uppförande i skolan

E29 Bättre uppförande i skolanMindre problem med uppförande i skolan

Unga barn som normalt hade högt systoliskt blodtryck randomiserades till att antingen lära sig Transcendental Meditation eller delta i en kontrollgrupp med hälsoutbildning. Efter fyra månader uppvisade eleverna som gjorde TM minskad frånvaro färre överträdelser av skolregler, och färre avstängningsdagar.Ref.Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 1: 10, 2003

Increased energy among students

E15-Incr-Energy-LevelSecondary school students who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed increased energy levels after 14 weeks, in contrast to control students.Ref.Dissertation Abstracts International  38(7): 3372B–3373B, 1978

Prison rehabilitation

R22-Improved-Behavior-after-ReleaseA doctoral dissertation at Harvard University found that inmates in a maximum security prison who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed significantly decreased return to prison after at least 36 months, in comparison to random samples of participants of four other prison rehabilitation programmes, controlling for time of release from prison.Ref.Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 36: 161–180, 2003

Prison rehabilitation

R21-Dec-Return-to-Prison-v1Parolees of the California Department of Corrections who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme while in prison showed significantly fewer new prison terms in comparison to matched controls, at one year after release and overall from six months to six years after release. In contrast, prison education, vocational training, and counseling programmes had no consistent effect.Ref.Journal of Criminal Justice 15: 211–230, 1987

Prison rehabilitation

R20-Dec-Recidivism-v1Parolees of the California Department of Corrections who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme while in prison showed significantly decreased recidivism, combining all parole outcomes over a five-year period after release, in comparison to matched controls.Ref.Journal of Criminal Justice 15: 211–230, 1987

Prison rehabilitation

R19-Incr-HSOC-in-PrisonMaximum security prison inmates who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme reported increased experiences of higher states of consciousness in comparison to controls.Ref.Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 36: 127–160, 2003

Rehabilitering på fängelser

R13 Minskad mistänksamhet bland internerMinskad misstänksamhet bland fängelseintagna

Intagna på högsäkerhetsfängelser som lärde sig TM visade sig vara mindre misstänksamma jämfört med dem i kontrollgruppen.Ref.Criminal Justice and Behavior 5: 3–20, 1978

Rehabilitering av fångar

R12-Dec-Resent-PrisonMinskad aggressivitet och bitterhet hos fängelseinterner

Interner på ett högsäkerhetsfängelse som lärt sig Transcendental Meditation uppvisade minskad aggressivitet och bitterhet jämfört med en kontrollgrupp.Ref.Criminal Justice and Behavior 5: 3–20, 1978

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D20-IncrPositivMidEastConfl-v1During the three-week period of the Taste of Utopia Assembly, compared to the three weeks before, there was a significant increase in positive events associated with the Middle East conflict in Lebanon, as principally seen in the rapid evolution of an agreement on a national security plan. In the three weeks after the Assembly the situation quickly deteriorated. Control data from the previous year showed that the specific time of year of the assembly was not associated with improved conditions in this conflict.Ref.Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme: Collected Papers (Vol. 4, 1989, pp. 2730–2762)

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D19-Incr-Positiv-Intl-ConflDuring the three-week period of the Taste of Utopia Assembly, compared to the three-week period before the Assembly, the balance of negativity to positivity in events pertaining to international conflicts in the trouble-spot areas of the world shifted significantly towards increased positivity, as indicated by content analysis of the news. In the three-week period after the assembly the balance of events reverted towards the previous condition of increased negativity. Such trends were not found during the same time the previous year.Ref.Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme: Collected Papers (Vol. 4, 1989, pp. 2730–2762)

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D18-Decreasd-Terrorism-(GloThere was a significant decrease in fatalities and injuries due to international terrorism during the periods of three assemblies approaching or exceeding 7,000 experts in the TM Sidhi Programme (the square root of one per cent of the world’s population at the time), as indicated by time series analysis of an independent data bank.Ref.Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 36: 283–302, 2003

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D17-Redc-Intl-Conflict-(GloDuring the periods of three assemblies approaching or exceeding 7,000 experts in the TM Sidhi Programme (the square root of one per cent of the world’s population at the time), there was a significant decrease in international conflict worldwide.Ref.Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 36: 283–302, 2003

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D16-Soviet-Actions-to-USDuring periods from 1979 to 1986 when the size of a group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme in the United States was larger than 1700, creating the strongest influence of the Maharishi Effect in the United States, there was a significant increase of positivity of actions of the Soviet Union towards the United States. This result, found by time series analysis of an independent data bank, was independent of the effect of US actions towards the Soviet Union.Ref.Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Social Statistics Section, pp. 297–302. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association, 1990

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D15-US-Actions-to-Soviet-UAs indicated by time series analysis of an independent data bank, during periods from 1979 to 1986 when the size of a group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme in the United States was larger than the square root of one per cent of the US population (over 1500 at the time), there was a significant increase in the positivity of actions of the United States towards the Soviet Union, compared to periods when the size of the group was smaller (below 1500).Ref.Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Social Statistics Section, pp. 297–302. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association, 1990

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D14-Reduced-Domes_Intl-ConDuring periods when a large group was participating in the TM Sidhi Programme, there was a significant drop in war intensity and war deaths in the neighbouring Middle East conflict.Ref.Journal of Conflict Resolution 32: 776–812, 1988

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D13-Increased-Progress-PDuring periods in 1983–1985 when sufficiently large groups of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme were established, there was a significant increase in progress towards peace in the Middle East, as measured by an index comprising increased cooperation, reduced level of conflict, reduced war fatalities, and reduced war injuries.Ref.Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 17: 285–338, 2005

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D12-Reduction-of-Armed-Con-v1There was a significant decrease in degree of conflict, war fatalities, and war injuries in the Middle East during periods in 1983–1985 when sufficiently large groups of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme were established.Ref.Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 17: 285–338, 2005

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D11-Reduced-Hostil_Inc-CoopDuring Maharishi’s World Peace Project of October–December 1978, groups of experts in Maharishi’s TM-Sidhi Yogic Flying Programme went to the world’s regional trouble spots in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, southern Africa and Central America. Time series analysis of data from an independent data bank showed that during the peace project there was a significant worldwide decrease in international hostile acts and verbal hostility, and an increase in cooperative events; this global effect was due to the fact that the primary international conflict areas were being influenced locally by the groups of experts in the TM-Sidhi Programme.Ref.Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme: Collected Papers, Vol. 4: 2532–2548, 1989

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D10-Red-Region-Confl_Prog-During Maharishi’s World Peace Project of October–December 1978, experts in Maharishi’s TM-Sidhi Programme went to the world’s regional trouble spots in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, southern Africa and Central America to create a calming influence through the group practice of Yogic Flying. During this time period, in comparison to a baseline period prior to the project, analysis of data from an independent data bank showed reduced hostile acts and increased cooperative events in those areas and among nations involved in these conflicts.Ref.Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme: Collected Papers, Vol. 4: 2532–2548, 1989

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G19-More-Pos-Intl-EconomyTime series analysis indicated that during three assemblies of approximately 7000 experts in the TM Sidhi Programme (the square root of one per cent of the world’s population at that time), there was a significant increase in the World Index of international stock prices, indicating improved confidence in the world economy. During control periods at the same time of year in the five years prior to these assemblies, there was no significant change in the World Index.Ref.‘Time series impact assessment analysis of reduced international conflict and terrorism: Effects of large assemblies of participants in the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program’. Paper presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, August 1989

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G18-Imp-Intl-Econ-TrendsDuring the three-week period of an assembly participants in the TM Sidhi Programme, numbering more than the square root of one per cent of the world’s population, international economic trends improved compared to the combined periods before and after the assembly, as measured by the World Index of international stock prices.Ref.Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme: Collected Papers, Volume 4: 2730–2762, 1989

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G17-Incr-Positivity_Head-St-v1During the three-week period of an assembly of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme numbering more than the square root of one per cent of the world’s population, content analysis of news reports indicated more positive statements and actions of heads of state throughout the world and greater national and international support for their policies and leadership.Ref.Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme: Collected Papers, Volume 4: 2730–2762, 1989

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G16-Incr-Natl-Approv-Head-SIncreased approval ratings for the U.S. Head of State were found when a large group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme was established. This effect was replicated during three presidential administrations.Ref.‘Transforming political institutions through individual and collective consciousness: The Maharishi Effect and government’. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C., August 1997

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G15-Decr-Inflation_Unemp_During periods when the size of a group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme in the USA exceeded the square root of one per cent of the national populations of the USA and Canada together (between 1500 and 1700), the sum of the Canadian monthly inflation and unemployment rates declined significantly, as indicated by time series analysis.Ref.Proceedings of the Business and Economics Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association (Alexandria, Virginia: American Statistical Association): 799–804, 1987; Modern Science and Vedic Science 4: 3–41, 1990

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G14-Decr-Inflation_Unemp_During periods when the size of a group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme exceeded the square root of one per cent of the national population (approximately 1500), the sum of the U.S. monthly inflation and unemployment rates declined significantly, as indicated by time series analysis.Ref.Proceedings of the Business and Economics Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association (Alexandria, Virginia: American Statistical Association): 799–804, 1987; Modern Science and Vedic Science 4: 3–41, 1990

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G13-Imp-Behav-Qual-Life_CANDuring periods when the size of a group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme in the USA exceeded the square root of one per cent of the national populations of the USA and Canada together, there was a significant improvement in a comprehensive quality of life index comprising behavioural variables (reduction in the total of homicides, suicides, motor vehicle fatalities, and cigarette consumption), controlling for changes in national economic trends, such as unemployment.Ref.Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association (Alexandria, Virginia: American Statistical Association): 38–43, 1996

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G12-Imp-Behav-Qual-Life_USADuring periods when the size of a group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme exceeded the square root of one per cent of the national population, there was a significant improvement in a comprehensive quality of life index comprising behavioural variables (reduction in the total of homicides, suicides, motor vehicle fatalities, deaths due to other accidents, notifiable diseases, alcohol consumption, and cigarette consumption), controlling for changes in national economic trends, such as unemployment.Ref.Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association (Alexandria, Virginia: American Statistical Association): 38–43, 1996

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G11-Imp-Qual-National-LifeQuality of life in Israel improved significantly, as measured by an index comprising decreased crime, increased Tel Aviv Stock Exchange index, and improved national mood (analysis of daily news), when a large group was participating in the TM Sidhi Programme in Jerusalem.Ref.Journal of Conflict Resolution 32: 776–812, 1988

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G10-Decreased-Fatalities_Na-v1Weekly fatalities (homicides, suicides, and auto accidents) decreased significantly in the United States and in Canada during periods when the number of group participants in the TM Sidhi Programme exceeded the square root of one per cent of the national populations.Ref.Social Indicators Research 22: 399–418, 1990; Psychological Reports 76: 1171–1193, 1995

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G9-Decr-TF,-CR,-Unem-in-StTime series transfer function analysis indicated that monthly rates of traffic fatalities, crime, and unemployment decreased significantly after a large group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme was established at Maharishi International University (now Maharishi University of Management) in the state of Iowa, USA.Ref.Dissertation Abstracts International 51(12): 6155B, 1991

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G8-Imp-Qual-Life-in-a-State-v1Quality of life improved in the State of Rhode Island, in comparison to a control state, during periods in which groups of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme were established. Quality of life was measured by improvement in a comprehensive index that includes crime, auto accidents, motor vehicle fatalities, deaths due to other causes, alcoholic beverage consumption, cigarette consumption, unemployment, and pollution.Ref.The Journal of Mind and Behavior  8: 67–104, 1987

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G7-Decr-Crime-in-Capital-D-v1During periods in which large groups of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme were established, crime totals decreased significantly in the Union Territory of Delhi (India) and in Metro Manila (Philippines).Ref.The Journal of Mind and Behavior  8: 67–104, 1987

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G6-Imp-Qual-Life-NationalImproved quality of life, as measured by an index comprising reduced emergency psychiatric calls, reduced trauma, fewer complaints against police, and fewer accidental deaths, was found when a large group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme was established.Ref.‘Transforming political institutions through individual and collective consciousness: The Maharishi Effect and government’. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, August 1997

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G5-Decr-Violent-Crime_NatlViolent crime in Washington, DC decreased significantly when a large group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme was established during an eight-week National Demonstration Project. As the size of the group increased, the reduction of violent crime also increased, reaching a 23% reduction by week 8.Ref.Social Indicators Research 47: 153–201, 1999

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G4-Imp-Qual-City-LifeThe quality of life in Jerusalem, as assessed by an index measuring reduced crime, reduced automobile accidents, and reduced fires, improved immediately during periods when a large group was participating in the TM Sidhi Programme in the city.Ref.Journal of Conflict Resolution 32: 776–812, 1988

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied (kommer inom kort på svenska)

G3-Decr-Metro-Crime_MerseyMetropolitan Merseyside, England showed decreased crime when the number of group participants in the TM Sidhi Programme in an adjacent community reached the square root of one per cent of the metropolitan area.Ref.Psychology, Crime, and Law 2: 165–174, 1996

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G2-Long-trm-Decr-Cr-Rt_Cit-v1Cities in which one per cent of the population were instructed in the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed decreased crime rate trend in subsequent years in contrast to matched control cities.Ref.Journal of Crime and Justice 4: 25–45, 1981

Study social effects TM

G1-Decr-Crime-Rate-in-Citi-v1Cities in which one per cent of the population were instructed in the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed decreased crime rate the following year in contrast to matched control cities.Ref.Journal of Crime and Justice 4: 25–45, 1981

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D21-Impr-Soviet-US-RelatnDuring periods from 1979 to 1986 the size of a group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme in the United States was larger than 1700, creating the strongest influence of the Maharishi Effect in the United States. There was a significant increase of positivity of actions of the Soviet Union towards the United States, as shown by the left bar. The right bar indicates an even greater increase in positive actions of the Soviet Union towards the United States, during the specific periods of several assemblies in North America and in Europe that approached or exceeded the square root of one per cent of the world’s population, about 7,000 at the time. The study, using time series analysis of an independent data bank, the Zürich Project on East-West Relations, confirmed that this influence of increased positivity was independent of the actions of the US towards the Soviet Union and independent of changes in Soviet leadership. In addition, during periods when the size of the group in the United States was sufficient to create the Maharishi Effect in the US, the behaviour of the United States towards the Soviet Union also became more positive.Ref.Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Social Statistics Section, pp. 297–302. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association, 1990. (2) ‘U.S.–Soviet relations and the Maharishi Effect: A time series analysis.’ Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association, Social Statistics Section, Atlanta, Georgia, August 1991

Tillväxt i självförverkligande: Transcendental Meditation jämfört med andra meditationstekniker

E23-Self-actualizationÖkat självförverkligande

En jämförande analys av 42 studier visade effekten av olika meditationstekniker vad gäller självförverkligande. Här framkom att den genomsnittliga effekten av 19 TM-studier var 3 till 4 gånger starkare än någon annan meditationsteknik som man hittills forskat på.

“Never be afraid to expect the best. Never feel we are unworthy or not justified in having the best. I tell you this is your heritage. But you have to claim it; you have to accept it and expect it.”

“I call my method meditation, but it is, in fact, a technique of self-exploration; it enables a man to dive into the innermost reaches of his being, in which dwell the essence of life and the source of all wisdom, all creativity, all peace, and all happiness…The word meditation is not new, nor are the benefits of meditation new…But for centuries the technique of meditation of this kind has been forgotten. This is why man suffers, or seems to suffer.”

‎”Man’s life is meant to be a bridge of abundance between divine intelligence and the whole creation. Man’s life is to cultivate and give – cultivate the divine power, the divine intelligence, happiness and abundance, and give it out to all of creation.”

Increased Self-Development among university students

E24-Increased-Self-Develop(Kommer inom kort på svenska)

Increased Self-Development (kommer att översättas till svenska inom kort)

University students who were practising the Transcendental Meditation and TM Sidhi Programme increased significantly on self-development (ego development) when measured after graduation, in contrast to control students at three other universities who were not participating in this programme.Ref.Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 17: 93–121, 2005

Större altruism

E32 Större altruismPersoner som utövar Transcendental Meditation har visat sig ha större medkänsla för andras välbefinnande än normalt.Ref.Western Psychologist 4: 104–111, 1974

Större uppskattning av andra


Universitetsstuderande som utövade Transcendental Meditation värderade de viktigaste personerna i sina liv (föräldrar, partner) betydligt mer positivt än studenter i kontrollgruppen.Ref.Perceptual and Motor Skills 64: 1003–1012, 1987

Better Moral

E25-Greater-Moral-MaturityUniversity students who were practising the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed significantly higher levels of moral maturity in comparison to control students who were not practicing the technique. Controls who were about to learn Transcendental Meditation  displayed the same level of moral maturity as those who were not planning to learn, indicating that the observed difference among the Transcendental Meditation participants was due to changes after learning the practice.Ref.Dissertation Abstracts International 36(7): 4361A, 1976

Increased Self-Regard in Juvenile Offenders

R6-Incr-Self-Regard-v1Young people referred to juvenile court for a legal offense showed a significant increase in self-regard after learning the Transcendental Meditation Programme.Ref.Dissertation Abstracts International 34(8): 4732A, 1974