Minskade övergrepp bland intagna
Intagna på högsäkerhetsfängelser som lärde sig Transcendental Meditation visade färre tendenser till övergrepp jämfört med dem i kontrollgruppen.Ref.Criminal Justice and Behavior 5: 3–20, 1978
Decreased Aggression in Prison Inmates
Maximum security prison inmates who learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme were found to have decreased aggression in comparison to controls.Ref.Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 36: 127–160, 2003
Decreased Impulsiveness in Industrial Workers
A study at Sumitomo Heavy Industries by the Japanese National Institute of Industrial Health found a decrease in impulsiveness among a group of 427 employees that were taught the Transcendental Meditation Programme, as compared to a group of 308 control persons.Ref.Japanese Journal of Industrial Health 32: 656, 1990
Improved Teacher Behaviour Rating of Executive Function among ADHD Students
School students with a current diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who learned the Transcendental Meditation Technique were rated by teachers after three months as showing improvement on several measures of executive function, indicating greater cognitive capability and self-control.Ref.Current Issues in Education 10(2), 2008. [Online]