Reduced symptoms of ADHD
A random assignment pilot study investigated effects of Transcendental Meditation (TM) on task performance and brain functioning in 18 ADHD students, age 11–14 years. Students were pretested, randomly assigned to TM or delayed-start comparison groups, and post-tested after 3 and 6 months. Delayed-start students learned TM after the 3-month post-test. Three months TM practice resulted in significant decreases in theta/beta ratios, increased theta coherence, a trend for increased alpha and beta1 coherence, and increased letter fluency. The delayed start group similarly had decreased theta/beta ratios and increased letter fluency at the 6 month post-test, after they practiced TM for 3 months. Also, all students significantly improved on five ADHD-symptoms over the six months of the study, as reported in the parents’ survey.
Hur kan en så enkel teknik göra så mycket?
Över 600 vetenskapliga studier bekräftar TM:s effekter på:
- Utveckling av hjärnan
- Hur TM fungerar
- Intelligens
- Kreativitet